I received an award from my friend Meg at Lucchese to Louis Vuitton; now I am not an award free blog; I just kinda do 'em my own way! So anyone who reads this probably has a fabulous blog too, so please feel free to take and display this on your blog. I am all about doing things your own way! Thanks Meg,you rule! Go visit Meg, she is a hoot and you will love her blog too!
For my second item; I have been looking at the hooked rugs for a long time. Now I would love to have a whole house full of them, but sometimes they are pretty pricey! Yikes. Well I have been getting Create and Decorate for a long time and they always have hooked rug patterns, as do many of the quilting books I have bought. So I decided to look into this a couple of years ago, but there is no one in this area that teaches these classes. I have found a shop that I talked about before :The Hen House in Charlotte. This is a couple of hours from me, but the owner is having a class at the end of the month I am hoping I can go.
Well in that light, I began looking at rug blogs and found some places that are great for rug hookers. On one of the boards I have met a very sweet lady named Sunnie; isn't that a great name? She looks like she has a very sunny disposition! She has a blog Old Crow Farm. I don't have any pictures to share as I didn't have time to contact her for permission to use her photos, but please visit; I believe that she also sells her work and she has some beautiful work displayed on her blog and on the board Rug Hooking Daily. There is also another board called The Welcome Mat that is also for rug hooking. Please visit, you all will love it whether you hook,want to hook or just love the rugs for your home.
Have fun visiting these folks, I think you will love them as much as I do.
Murphy says thank you for all the wonderful comments you all left for him and he appreciates all of you! He sends a big bulldoggie hug to each and every one of you!